Like all devices, hearing aids can have issues and break for various reasons. Sometimes they may malfunction even without any direct action from the wearer. The causes of hearing aid issues are not always straightforward, and several factors can contribute to their breakdown. If your hearing aids stop working, it’s important to see an audiologist, so they can identify the cause to prevent it from happening again. Here are some common reasons why hearing aids can fail and provide insight into how to address these issues.

Buildup of Earwax

Hearing aids can be affected by the accumulation of earwax, which is one of the most common issues wearers face. Earwax is a natural defense for the ears, but when it builds up, it can block the sound pathways in your hearing aids, particularly the microphone and receiver. This can lead to distorted sound or complete malfunction of the device, preventing it from working as effectively as it should. In some cases, your hearing aid may stop functioning altogether if earwax is blocking critical components.

To avoid this, regular cleaning of both your ears and hearing aids is important. A buildup of earwax not only affects your hearing aid’s performance but can also cause discomfort. If you’re experiencing a drop in sound quality or other issues with your hearing aid, it’s worth checking for earwax buildup and cleaning your device. If cleaning doesn’t solve the problem, visiting an audiologist can help address the issue before it causes further damage.

Not Taken Care of Properly

Another reason your hearing aids might break is improper care. If you’re simply tossing them on a table at the end of the day instead of storing them in a safe place, this can lead to long-term damage. Similarly, wearing them in situations where they aren’t meant to be worn, like in the shower or during heavy rain, can cause issues. Proper care and handling are essential to keep your hearing aids working well and extending their lifespan. Taking the time to store and clean them correctly can prevent unnecessary damage.

Accidental Damage

Accidental damage is another common reason hearing aids can break. Sometimes accidents happen, and hearing aids can get damaged like anything else. If you notice any issues with your device, it’s a good idea to have it checked by an audiologist. Catching the problem early may allow for a repair. If you suspect your hearing aid has been accidentally damaged, schedule an appointment with your audiologist.

There are several reasons why hearing aids can break, and this only covers some of the most common issues. It’s important to take good care of your hearing aids and ensure they stay protected. However, even with proper care, problems can still arise if there is an issue with the device itself. If this happens, an audiologist can help assess the situation and provide the necessary support. They are available to assist with any hearing aid concerns you may have. If you want to learn more about hearing aid repairs or have questions, schedule an appointment with an audiologist.